PTE Reorder Paragraph Tips | 9 Different Strategies

Hello everyone! Let us see PTE Reorder paragraph tips now. This is one of the important task in reading section. In this task we will get 4 to 5 paragraphs arranged in a jumbled order. We have to order it logically and make sure that it is in the correct order.

The key skill here is the ability to understand how these sentences relate to each other. Either it could be a grammatical relation such as noun and pronoun which will be in different paragraphs, or relationship between time periods, short form of names or any other logical relation.

Sometimes we will get easy questions in reorder paragraph and can order it in 30 seconds, but sometimes it may take more than 4 minutes to figure out. But with some methods and strategies such as finding independent sentence, supporting sentences such as examples for the definitions or some relationship to the previous sentence, we can easily order it in 2 to 2.5 minutes.

PTE tips and tricks to solve Reorder Paragraph with different strategies

Let us understand this task in detail and see some examples for each strategy.

Understand the task

You will be seeing 4 or 5 paragraphs in each textbox on the left side. You have to drag and drop on the right side in correct sequence. 2 to 3 questions – you will get either 2 or 3 questions with up to 150 words.

32 to 41 minutes for entire reading section. There is no specific time for each question. Therefore, you should not spend more than 2 minutes for each question. This is the ideal time you can spend for each question. But sometimes drop-down fill in the blanks and reorder paragraph will take more time. For PTE reorder paragraph we need to practice more using tips because we should spend only a maximum of 2 to 2.5 minutes for each question. Otherwise, you may miss multiple choice – single answer, which is the last task in reading section.

Don’t miss any question even if it contributes less marks. Many people did not achieve their desired score as they lose 1 or 2 marks. So, try to attend all questions without fail. This task contributes marks only for reading section. You can either drag and drop from left to right text boxes or use the arrows.

Scoring structure

The reorder paragraph contributes a maximum of 6 marks. This is also one important task, which helps to achieve 79+. This task is scored based on each pair of correct adjacent sentences. Each correct pair is provided with 1 mark but there is no negative marks.

For example, if the correct answer sequence is ABCDE, 1 mark will be provided for each pair: AB, BC, CD and DE, hence totally 4 marks will be given. If you order wrong pair then no marks for that pair alone. You will get marks only for the correct pairs. You will not get marks based on the correct position of each sentence but will get only based on correct pair.

Here is the example for how the marks will be given,
A B C D E – 4 marks
E A B C D – 3 marks
A B D E C – 2 marks
A B E D C – 1 mark
E D C A B – 1 mark
A C B E D – 0 marks

For this order (ACBED), you will get 0 marks as there is no correct pair. Here you can see that ‘A’ is in the correct position but you won’t get mark for this.

Strategies in PTE Reorder Paragraph with tips

We will see some strategies with some examples now. We have to apply all those rules while solving the reorder paragraph to order it in the correct sequence.

Find the independent sentence

The sentence should be read and comprehensive without depending on other sentences. It will not refer back and does not depend on to any other sentences. The independent sentence will give an idea about the passage, introduces a person or the topic. If you are not able to find the independent sentence, then do it on the other way. Find whichever cannot be the independent sentence.

Follow the subject, verb and object rule. But to be frank this rule doesn’t work always because the questions will not always be straightforward. The object of the previous sentence not necessarily be the subject of the next sentence. But remember that the sentence that gives more information about the previous sentence will be the next sentence out of the remaining sentences.

Two independent sentences

Sometimes you might confused with two independent sentences. In that case you have to figure out based on the facts. Know the facts – you should have some idea of when that particular instance has happened.

A. The immigration policies have changed after Donald Trump is elected as a President.
B. The US immigration policies were good during the year 2010.

For example, if they mention during the period of Trump as a president, then it should be after 2016. These two can be the independent sentence. But based on when Trump has become the President we have to order the sentence according to the year. This is just a simple example. Remember that the first sentence will usually be the introduction to the paragraph.

Sometimes it will be mentioned as information era, industrial era and agrarian era in each sentence. You should know the meaning of these terms. Agrarian is agricultural period, industrial is based on factories which was in 1950s and information is based on computers, that is current period. Understand these terms and practice as much as possible by knowing the meaning so that you can answer quickly and correctly.

Definite and Indefinite articles

Words with articles such as ‘A’, ‘An’ and ‘The’. A and An are indefinite articles, which always used to introduce the subject. ‘The’ is definite article, which is used to mention the subject for the second time.

Definitions and Examples

This is straight forward. If you see the examples, then definitely there should be some definition or explanation provided in the other paragraph.

Nouns and Pronouns

When you see the pronouns such as he or she, then somewhere in the other sentence the noun i.e. the name of the person will be mentioned. Look for those sentences and order them as noun in the first place, which is followed by pronoun. So, pronoun will always come after the noun. To be specific we have something called general noun and specific noun.

A. There are 3 banks in Scotland.
B. Bank of Scotland is the first bank.

Here ‘3 banks’, ‘many things’, ‘they are all’ – is general noun and Bank of Scotland is one of them, which is mentioned specifically, therefore, it is specific noun. Be aware of these as well.

Short forms or Acronyms

Short form of the places, name of the person or designation such as ‘the researcher’,  ‘the scientist’ should always come next to the full form. Sometimes we could see the last name of the person in the first sentence and full name of the person in the other sentence. In that case, we should ensure that the sentence with full name should always be moved to first place. Similarly, the acronym such as PTE should follow the full description – which is Pearson Test of English.

For instance, if ‘a researcher’ is mentioned, then that is the first sentence. If ‘the researcher’ is mentioned, then somewhere the name of the researcher or ‘a researcher’ is definitely mentioned.

Time periods

Time periods will not always be in the chronological order. Based on the given years and the supporting points, understand the past and present, and come to the conclusion. You may get time periods in different sentences, which confuses you, and you may tend to make a mistake. Don’t just blindly follow the sequence. Understand the context and make the correct sequence. Sometimes based on the grammar such as is/was/will be, you can identify the correct sequence.

1920s and 1930s – if they mention 1920s, it is somewhere between 1920 and 1930. 1930s is between 1930 to 1940. And if they mention early 1920s then it is around 1921 to 1925. Understand these kind of basic ideas.

Transition words

Transition words such as Firstly, Secondly, Finally will always come in the sequence. Moreover or However will always be the supporting point. Thus, As a result, Therefore, Throughout – these are all concluding points. But sometimes the sentence with however may come before or after the concluding points.

Sentences beginning with however are rarely the opening sentence. It depends upon, to which sentence it is supporting. Only when you understand the full essence of the paragraphs, you will be able to identify the sequence.

Once you have arranged all paragraphs in the right order, make sure you read them again. If you do so, you may feel that, the order is wrong and can move the paragraph to above or below. Change the order and see how it impacts the meaning of the whole text. Ok, what if you don’t get any of these rules. There might be some other strategies as well, which will be very difficult to solve. In that case use the trial and error method and try to solve it within 2.5 minutes.

Trial and Error Method

Read the paragraphs, understand the context and identify what is actually described. See which sentence gives you 100 percent information. Identify the independent sentence by reading each sentence and ensure that you are able to get 100 percent information without any reference, then conclude that as first sentence or topic sentence.

Now look for the next one. If you feel that it gives more information on the previous sentence then move it to the second place and go to the next sentence. Otherwise replace it with the other one. Repeat the same for the rest of the sentences. If you do so, you will be able to figure out the independent sentence and the supporting sentences in the correct order. If you are not able to figure out in 2 or 2 and 1/2 minutes then order it randomly with your gut feeling. Still you will get some points for the correct pairs.


That’s the end of reorder paragraphs. Remember all the rules discussed here and apply on each question. These are the most significant rules that we usually get. I hope these techniques and tips will help you to solve PTE reorder paragraph. Practice well, so that you will be able to complete as quickly as possible.

However, as I already mentioned, sometimes we will get some tough paragraphs and won’t get any of these strategies and it might be very difficult to reorder. But don’t waste your time if you are not able to identify anything. Try the trial and error method and solve it quickly. I have also provided examples of each strategy in the above video.

But if you still struggle to solve PTE reorder paragraph even with the tips, then don’t worry. I have posted the most repeated questions for this task. Instead of practicing something else, you can practice all these questions. If you have luck, you will get 1 or 2 questions in the exam. Hope this video helps up to some extent. Once again thanks for watching my videos. Have a wonderful day.